Module 9 day 3 summer of few pages of Book.


Author has gone inside the cave with Todd.  Cave was full of darkness. They found yelloweyes everywhere around them. Those were bats eyes. Todd was 

stretching his hand towards bats but author was frightened. Todd disappeared from there. I could find him because darkness was everywhere. Moon light has melted frozen werewolves. When last wolf was passing out Todd came there.! Todd started coping wolf's voice. He said it's better to escape ourselves from becoming their dinner After some hours wolf's running sound was coming but we're not aware about the direction of it. Werewolves we're closer to us. We'd only howling hope to save ourselves.  we've been standing there for howling for an hour. 

Now no werewolf was there. We both we're saved.. 

Thanks ☺️.


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